Heroes: Homecoming

Eden from the Chapter 9 Heroes mini-comic on nbc.com

Worst epsiode ever…

Just kidding. It was okay, but nothing as great as what has come before it, which is why it has taken me a while to write about it. Another reason is I am not feeling the love on this from you readers, so I don’t know why I bother. I mean, I know more than a few of you watch this every week, yet no one besides Ed really comments.

The same goes for Ed‘s posts on Lost. No one besides me has any thoughts on it? I find that hard to believe and even if you agree with everything we write or you have nothing to add, you could just let us know that you agree. We get more comment Spam than regular comments these days, so why do we bother?

Sorry for the rant, but it is something that has been on my mind lately.

Anyway, I actually made it home from work in time to watch this one live, commercials and all. Yup, I just made it home in time to flip the channel to seven. Not until Studio 60 came on did I realize I was watching the analog seven instead of the HD variety. Damn letterboxing!

In my rush to get it on, I just dialed up seven without thinking about it. Why doesn’t the cable company just make the regular channels HD too when it is an HD broadcast, you have an HD box and you have an HDTV? Seems like a relatively simple thing to do.

As for the show, the showdown with Sylar was anticlimactic at best. This guy is obviously not accustomed to folks being able to fight back. I did find it interesting that he’s chopping dome tops with his telekinesis rather than some other object, like a sword. I still want to know what made that sound from the previous episode when he presumably scooped Charlie’s brain… weird that they didn’t show that one.

Now that we have seen Claire get injured a handful of different ways, I think she’s more than just indestructible due to a healing factor. I think she also has a mix of a Mr. Fantastic type power in there that she is slightly elastic. We’ve seen her head twist around and now, after getting tossed against a wall by Sylar, she was all bubbled up. What if this is a mechanism to absorb injury? We also see her just snapping things back in place and then Peter, when powered with her ability, just twists things back into place as well. They also both didn’t show much in the way of pain, so there’s something there as well. Remember when Claire didn’t even notice she has a rib sticking thru her abdomen?

Why didn’t Sylar use his telekinesis to stop his fall? I still wonder if he has some kind of healing ability too. He got up way before Peter did, but he was still a bit out of it afterward, which is why it was probably easy for Eden to surprise him and suggest he go quietly with she and the Haitian. When she first greeted him, it almost seemed like they were in league together, but it quickly didn’t seem that way. I guess it’s just her way…

This ought to be interesting with them having him in custody. My theory is that they’ve been setting Sylar up as the big bad, but he’s just amateur in comparison to whoever is behind the atomic blast. I think there’s a bigger bad we haven’t seen yet, but time will tell. Was that what Isaac painted? The blood red figure? Or was that simply supposed to be either Claire, Peter or Sylar covered in blood? Claire and Peter certainly had more than their share all over themselves, but we couldn’t quite see if Sylar was covered in it since it was so dark.

The Mohinder stuff bored me greatly and I’m not so certain it is worth discussing. The soccer playing dream kid seems a bit too wise for his age, but whatevs. They did reference his sister as the genesis for Chandra to step up his research, so I’m thinking I am on the right track with that.

Micah is a smart kid and you have to wonder if he and Jessica have spoken openly. It also begs the question as to why he didn’t tell Niki about Jessica. The three of them were barely in this one and Matt was nowhere to be found again. Nathan only showed up to ruin a $2 mill painting in front of a finally hot looking Simone. That straight hair does amazing things for her…

Hiro not showing back up to help Peter means Hiro has already changed the future. Isaac had painted Hiro and Ando with a Homecoming banner in the background and they weren’t there. I think the next episode is going to be interesting with them doing a Tarantino and going back to show past events. Sylar as a fat nerd? A tombstone with Jessica Sanders on it?

publisher logo for 9th WondersYou can find out more about Eden’s origin in the Chapter 9 mini-comic. I also found some funny candid pictures of Claire on the autopsy table in Greg Beeman’s (a show producer and director) blog, which I can’t read.

Finding this blog leads me to believe that Ed is on to something WRT the marks on Matt and Ted. Look at the logo — which is the symbol — for the 9th Wonders comics publisher. I blue highlighted the section in the image. These appear to be the same as what were on Matt and Ted.

Score one for Ed and leave a comment bitches!