Lego vault

This link made my day and I found it quite by accident on the homepage this afternoon. I was grabbing the Firefox extension at work and happened upon it. (I’m an Engadget guy, not a Gizmodo guy.)

Anyway, the story is cool, but the really cool and happy part is the Lego set that set off the author. I think that was my second Lego set ever and the one I thought of as soon as I started reading the article. To my surprise as I continued to scroll down, there it was. What are the odds? The first one I had is also featured in the gallery.

Blocks from those sets are still in my possession. They make up a small bit of the helicopter I still have… the last original Lego creation of mine before I retired. I dontated all the leftover blocks, a crapload of them, to a friend’s little brother my freshman year of college.