Flixd: one

I think I have dropped notice here or there that I planned on doing something with all this movie watching activity. Well, this is it and I am going to keep it super simple. The name of the flick, a rating and a sentence or three about it. That’s it. No review, but maybe a recommendation. The rating should handle that, no?

So, I figure I will do this monthly or maybe every two months depending on how many movies I get thru at a time. Television is coming back off repeats so I expect the March activity to slow down a bit, plus I may actually start playing a video game again once and a while. I have enough now to do two for the first two months of this year.

As a bonus though, I am throwing in some of the movies I streamed with Netflix to the Xbox 360. This ability was released in November and it is pretty much going to be the future once the streaming HD gets better. Oh, and the amount of selections in the library. I actually trimmed this list slightly because some of it was mindless garbage you might watch late at night because you don’t want to move from the couch to bed yet.


  • 100 Girls
    This one and the next two are all written and directed by Michael Davis and Ed tells me he made these 100 movies so he could do Shoot Em Up. I haven’t seen that yet but plan on it. The cast is the best of the three and I pretty much fell in love with Emmanuelle Chriqui because of this movie so I will be making my way thru her filmography.
    [ob1 3]
  • 100 Women
    I like that I have three movies to talk about this because they are almost all the same movie; at least in plot. Kid meets/knows girl and must find/convince her to be his girlfriend, etc. Not anywhere near as good as 100 Girls, which is funny considering this followed it.
    [ob1 2]
  • Eight Days a Week
    Keri Russell is the only reason to watch this one. Okay, the mom from 7th Heaven as a cougar is kinda funny, but gross at the same time.
    [ob1 2]
  • Cashback
    A British flick about a heartbroken insomniac artist working in a grocery at night to pass the time. He eventually comes to think he can stop time due to his insomnia. This one had a couple really cool film effects and the story was pretty good as was the humor.
    [ob1 3]
  • Gone Baby Gone
    I’m sure everyone but me had already seen this, but since I could stream it, I watched it one night. Amy Ryan’s performance was good and yes, obviously much different than on The Office. I am not going to lie; I sat thru it for Michelle Monaghan because I can’t stomach violance/neglect of children and I figured out most of the story pretty early on.
    [ob1 3]
  • Dan in Real Life
    Nice segue since Amy Ryan shows up here too, but I can’t believe I made it thru a movie that has Dane Cook in it. Thankfully Steve Carell was good and Juliette Binoche was really good.
    [ob1 3]
  • Wedding Daze
    Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher embark on a bizarre relationship surrounded by bizarre supporting characters. This one is definitely one of those late-night-watch-anything movies. I only mention it because Fisher was super cute in it.
    [ob1 2]
  • Meet Bill
    Aaron Eckhart, Elizabeth Banks, Jessica Alba and a couple SNLers (Wiig and Sudeikis) highlight this cast about a guy stuck in a bad job, marriage and family. He just wants to eat junkfood and own a donut chain. I like Eckart and Banks which was how it got the nod and it was watchable.
    [ob1 3]


  • Justice League: The New Frontier
    Even if you aren’t a comic book fan I would say watch this movie, but you won’t. I really liked the alternate take on the League and the story and animation was excellent. It also had a very good voice cast of A to B-list actors, but again, you won’t watch it so it is lost on you.
    [ob1 5]
  • Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
    I wish I saw this as soon as it hit DVD rather than waiting so long. It was soooo funny. John C. Reilly was awesome and Jenna Fischer was in lingerie.
    [ob1 5]
  • The Office (UK) Season’s 1 & 2
    I like a good amount of British telly, so I tried really hard to give this a fair shot. Ricky Gervais is fun to watch, just usually not here. I really had to fight to get thru a lot of these episodes, which was funny because most of the early US stories were straight adaptations from these twelve episodes.
    [ob1 2]
  • Reign Over Me
    As much as I like the goofy Sandler, he shines more in films like this and Spanglish. (I haven’t seen Punch-Drunk Love yet.) Sandler and Don Cheadle were great in this and the story was powerful. You should watch this movie.
    [ob1 5]
  • Ratatouille
    Pixar can do no wrong, right? I thoroughly enjoyed this rat’s romp thru the kitchen. It was also the first movie I watched on Blu-ray.
    [ob1 5]
  • Hot Fuzz
    Simon Pegg and Nick Frost renew their buddy-flick chops with an awesome tongue-in-cheek nod to big budget action films in the Michael Bay mold. I found myself laughing a lot during this one and have to agree with Ed that you’d never know Timothy Dalton was a good actor instead of a Bond failure. You really need to see this.
    [ob1 5]
  • Shaun of the Dead
    Yeah, I saw this one second even though it came first and that first sentence in my Hot Fuzz bullet didn’t make any sense unless you knew those two team up here. That said, I know there are a lot of people that like Shaun better than Fuzz, but not me. I liked this one too, but Fuzz was funnier.
    [ob1 3]
  • Pineapple Express
    I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed with this one. I thought it couldn’t not be great, but it was just okay. I think if I were a stoner, I might have appreciated it more.
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  • Tropic Thunder
    I feel like a spoiler alert is necessary here, but you probably already know who plays the film-within-a-film’s producer. I guess I won’t say the name, but know that he was the reason I gave it the fourth head. Downey Jr. was great too, but Black and Stiller left me lacking with their respective same old shticks.
    [ob1 4]

The next one will be up later this week and it covers February.