Single asterisk

Yesterday, someone asked, “what does holding up an asterisk mean?”

That person (and apparently thought my blog had the answer.

I’m sure this person saw some of the asterisk signs in the Petco Park outfield section where Barry Bonds’ 755* home run landed on Saturday night and just didn’t get it. Okay, so not a baseball fan and definitely not aware of 61*, but not a fan of Billy Crystal? I thought everyone was?!

Well, I’m not certain they got the answer here, but maybe ended up serving them the knowledge they desired. Oh, and I am not a fan of Billy Crystal. Just thought I’d make that clear.

Anyway, in reading the post they found, I’m not certain they got their answer here. I can tell you that after reading this one, like reading the Lego Star Wars related one I mentioned in my last post, was great! I’m sure I am not alone in not reading my own crap after it has been posted awhile, but it is kinda fun and I think I’ll do more of it in the future. After all, it did inspire me to write a new post.

Of course, I am bummed I wasn’t correct about Bonds not being able to play this year due to his knees, but I like how I ended the post. Give it a read. Maybe you didn’t catch it the first time or forgot about it, but it is topical again.