Barry Bonds

This is a list of posts tagged with Barry Bonds.

Seven five six

Err… make that seven.

So, the mushroom head did it last night. He’s now King Koopa and has already hit another in his first AB tonight.

I’d congratulate him if I didn’t think he has cheated along the way. See my previous post about that, but at least it is finally over. No more interruptions on ESPN or showing every meaningless Giants game on ESPN 2 every night. I guess I felt the need to comment because I posted that last bit. I didn’t catch it live, but rather cut over to ESPN when Hazel Mae interrupted D.O. and the Remdawg during another loss to the Halos. At least he showed some class in thanking other people and genuine emotion for his Dad. He’s still got some good in him.

But, the man with real class, Hank Aaron, finally broke his silence on the subject and came out and congratulated Barry. Man, was that more awkward than Selig’s act? I gotta think so, but you know, it was a good way for the man holding the real record to remind everyone of just that, so I’ll congratulate The Hammer instead of The Mushroom.

When... Continue reading »

Single asterisk

Yesterday, someone asked, “what does holding up an asterisk mean?”

That person (and apparently thought my blog had the answer.

I’m sure this person saw some of the asterisk signs in the Petco Park outfield section where Barry Bonds’ 755* home run landed on Saturday night and just didn’t get it. Okay, so not a baseball fan and definitely not aware of 61*, but not a fan of Billy Crystal? I thought everyone was?!

Well, I’m not certain they got the answer here, but maybe ended up serving them the knowledge they desired. Oh, and I am not a fan of Billy Crystal. Just thought I’d make that clear.

Anyway, in reading the post they found, I’m not certain they got their answer here. I can tell you that after reading this one, like reading the Lego Star Wars related one I mentio... Continue reading »

Barry Hit 616

So, Barry finally hit 714 and tied the Babe. Patrick Hruby argues he hit 616 over on Page 2 of I’d have to agree. I wanted to do some math and figure out how many he might have hit without the juice for my original post, but was way lazy. Hruby and friends have done it for me and you know what? The math adds up for me.

Barry Mushroom Head

Ruth did it on hotdogs and beer

I have mixed feelings on this post, but I figured why not run it. It’s something I’ve been thinking about and Juice sent me that picture the other day. I also saw a funny one of people holding up a single asterisk each, probably from the same game. Maybe the final straw was reading this piece by Tom Verducci today. What angered me most about it was how he treated the soldier that has the last ball he hit out. Anyway, here’s what I was thinking…

There’s a chance that Barry Bonds will tie Babe “The White Guy” Ruth tonight with his 714th home run. A lot of baseball fans are up in arms that this is going to happen. Honestly, before the season started I was too. I hoped that his knees would have prevented him from playing this... Continue reading »