Pete Yorn

This is a list of posts tagged with Pete Yorn.

Year in consumables: 2010 music

But, you are saying to yourself the year is 2012 when this was posted, so what the deuce? (Yes, you, that one person reading this… which is the same person that wrote it, but several years in the future reading it.) Well, to say you were lazy about writing anything for a long time would be an understatement. Good for you that you were bored doing laundry one day and decided to crank out a couple lists. Because you like lists. Lists make you feel better.

So, here is a list for 2010 and the one for 2011 will soon follow. So look for that in 2014. Or so.

Good thing you half wrote this list in the summer of 2010 or you’d really be starting from nowhere. Continue reading »

Year in consumables: 2009 music

Metric: FantasiesDoes the music post have different rules than the games or movies post? Of course it does. But, that changes this year. In the past, it has allowed for the ranking of anything that I picked up during the year while the list in the Audio pages for that year would only rank stuff from that year. No more.

The list that appears here will strictly be of albums released during that year. Like the past, this list won’t change, but the one in the Audio pages may, and likely will, if the past is any indication. That said, I will... Continue reading »

Year in consumables: 2006 music

Empire by KasabianI know that most people like to read year in review stuff at the end of December or early January, but I’m a procrastinator, so mine comes out in February.

This list focuses on the discs released in 2006 that I consumed, but I’ll also post on flicks and games later in the week. Those are nice, short ones that can be done on a school night.

So, my main justification behind waiting a bit is because sometimes, not often, but sometimes a disc comes out at the end of the year and it needs to get its due before you make up a list. I could stick it on the next year’s list, but then that doesn’t feel right, even if I didn’t pick it up until that year. So, I’m going to follow the tradition of ranking them for the year they came out.

Yeah, that’s right… even though the title talks about 2006 consumption, I’m only counting the discs released in 2006, you know… just to confuse... Continue reading »

Consumed Summer

Well, Labor Day is in the rear view mirror, football season has started and the hot coffee to iced coffee ratio is starting to go up. Even though Autumn doesn’t officially start until next week, it sure has felt like it for a while now. I’m sure that has more to do with the terrible weather we have had since August — I think last Saturday was the first day I had the top down on the Jeep since early-to-mid August — than the rapid fall from the playoff chase of the Sox, but I have been anxious for the Fall as it is my favorite season of the year. However, before I go on about that, I thought it would be nice to do a wrap-up of Summer consumables like music, movies, sports and whatever else that sticks out. For the sake of most things, I am going to go with the unofficial dates of Summer and say it starts Memorial Day weekend and ends Labor Day weekend (when it comes to movies, the studios want you to believe Summer starts May 1st). Anyway, between that time I consumed 29 discs and half of them stand out in my mind for different reasons. Five for being incredibly... Continue reading »

Gammons Update

Read this from Gordon Edes on today:

According to an ESPN executive who spoke with Peter Gammons’ wife Gloria today, the ESPN baseball analyst continues to progress. There has been improvement “in both his motor skills and cognitive ability.” He even joked at one point, “I have to write.”

This is good news and it’s good to read that Peter seems to be in good spirits. I haven’t picked up his album, Never Slow Down, Never Grow Old, that came out this week yet. I figure I’ll pick it up next week when the new Butch Walker disc drops.

I’m sure Peter will also be excited, as am I, that Pete Yorn has his new disc, Nightcrawler, dropping on August 29th according to this week’s Newbury Comics mail list. It has been too long.