
This is a list of posts tagged with U2.

Year in consumables: 2009 music

Metric: FantasiesDoes the music post have different rules than the games or movies post? Of course it does. But, that changes this year. In the past, it has allowed for the ranking of anything that I picked up during the year while the list in the Audio pages for that year would only rank stuff from that year. No more.

The list that appears here will strictly be of albums released during that year. Like the past, this list won’t change, but the one in the Audio pages may, and likely will, if the past is any indication. That said, I will... Continue reading »

Year in consumables: 2008 music

Viva la Vida Prospekt's March

Here it is, the last post in the series (games, movies) for the year and the one that no one cares about. Okay, maybe a couple friends on Facebook will care. Maybe.

So, this one works pretty much like all the others in that I write about what I consumed this past year. That said, this one does have a wrinkle. I also manage individual Top Ten lists in the Audio section of the site and these are strict to the album release year. As part of the exercise leading up to writing this post I finally went ahead and updated that lonely list for 2006... Continue reading »

Generic Radio

There was a time when I thought this might be my first post. Around the time I was building Ed’s blog, I was digging thru some old stuff and found an old Memorex tape.

I don’t remember what I was looking for now, but I am glad I found this tape. I must have taken ownership of it at some point over the years from my Uncle Chris. It is labeled “Generic Radio 12-23-87” and it is probably the only recording in existence of a radio show I did in high school with my friend Johnny B.

John and I had a show on Rockland’s community/high school station WRPS 88.3 FM on Wednesday from 5-7pm. So, it was very small-time and definitely not like a Saved By the Bell thing either. I am shocked there was enough juice for my uncle to get that tuned in as far away as Milton MA. The iPod car transmitters probably have more juice these days.

Christmas time in 87 would have been my Junior year in high school and I think by that point we had been doing the show for almost two months. I ended up doing... Continue reading »