Pirates of the Carribean

This is a list of posts tagged with Pirates of the Carribean.

Year in consumables: 2007 movies

Even though I made a great headstart on this series for 2007 (see music post), I fell off the pace and I am now behind my awful showing last year. So, I figured on this dreary, rainy Saturday night, I would blast this one out and then… go watch a movie.

So, unlike last year, I watched a good amount of Netflix movies too. (Just prior to last year’s post I was inspired to reactivate my long dormant membership.) Now, I have a tough decision to make… do I include those here? Obviously I am going to speak to the movies released in the theaters during the year, but what about those I missed there and caught on Netflix instead? I think I will include those, but of course, only those I have seen so far. I won’t come back here and update as I do so.

Wait… this is supposed to be a top 5 list… argh. Well, here’s... Continue reading »

Year in consumables: 2006 movies

Casino Royale teaser posterContinuing my late entry into the traditional year-end slash year-in-review lists, I present my list of flicks for 2006.

If you are interested in my list of music, then click that link and I promise my list of games will be out later this week. If I don’t have it done by the end of February, then why bother?

Whether it be in the theater or on DVD, I hardly took in any movies this past year. To that end, I actually reopened my Netflix account two weeks ago, but that doesn’t help this list. I think I am going to start logging movies I have flixed as such on the blog because it might be interesting to track how many I actually take in over the course of a year… well, interesting to me anyway.

I’m going to give you a top five, but that’s not saying much since I probably only... Continue reading »

Summer Shudder

Nantucket Sound Sunset Well, the title of this post should have been the title of the previous post, but I just wasn’t paying close enough attention. A lot of the time I try to come up with clever titles that play on words and stuff like that and I am sure I am not in the minority there. Look no further than Ed as he consistently comes up with great title posts. Then you have Jason, who usually has me running straight for dictionary.com.

However, when I’m not feeling clever, I try to find a song title that fits my posting topic in some way. Well, I got stuck on Consumed Summer because I was going to write about stuff... Continue reading »

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest teaser posterPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest opened 11 days ago and has already made a whopping $258.2 million thru its first 10 days. I happened to contribute ten of my hard-earned dollars to that total when I took in the flick last Saturday night with Ed. I pregamed the sequel by watching the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl, on Friday night, so I have a few quick thoughts on that one first before diving into the second.

The first Pirates of the Caribbean was released in 2003 and I didn’t see it until I received the DVD as a gift for Christmas that year. It was nice to refresh my memory on the film because I had only watched it once. Of course, everyone remembers that Johnny Depp gave a spectacular performance ... Continue reading »