Dunkin Donuts

This is a list of posts tagged with Dunkin Donuts.

The blog identity

Hmm… I had been waiting for my one hundredth post to roll around with the hopes of having something special to write for you, but that just isn’t going to be the case.

If you haven’t guessed, this is my 100th post (195 posts minus 95 Asides), which to me is quite amazing considering it came in less than a year and I’m not exactly a writer. But then, I guess that’s what actually got me to finally writing this post and maybe it will be something special, or maybe just different.

Back when this blog started with Walk This World, I told you I wasn’t a writer, yet, that’s what I think I found myself trying to be much of the time. Trying to write game, movie, music, comics or television *reviews* like I was some kind of pajama journalist/critic.

I suppose doing that kind of thing gave me an excuse to post something, but it is definitely not a strong point and that is why I have abandoned that kind of thing over... Continue reading »

Red State Stupidity

I have been thinking about this since I read it yesterday. How dumb are these Red Staters? They go into a Dunkie and want doughnuts? What kind of Homer J. Simpson… er, yeah, he likey doughnuts.

Anyway, some of these people are *cultured* enough to drink a coffee from the Starbies across the street, but they have to be transplants, just not from the Northeast.

Still, makes you wonder if this will catch on down there. I don’t think they are changing the name to Dunkin Coffee for you to get it Cletus…

‘Til Tuesday

I was having a hard time with a title for this post, so I went with ‘Til Tuesday because I can’t wait for Tuesday. A few things are going happen on Tuesday. It’s the start of August and I’ll be going to the Sox game with Joe, but most importantly, I am going to have me some coffee.

Yup, I’m done with my coffee *boycott* and will be back on the wagon after a five week layoff. I am going to celebrate with a large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts in the afternoon. I think I am going to continue to not drink it in the morning though. I don’t know why either. What do you think?

So, you all remember ‘Til Tuesday right? A band out of Boston that hit in the late 80’s with “Voices Carry” and fronted by the beautiful and talented Aimee Mann? Well, my Uncle Chris likes to recount the tale that I once held the back door open for her and the band at the In-Square Men’s Bar which used to be in Cambridge. I was most likely in the back playing Star War... Continue reading »

A Tale of Two 360’s

+/- Xbox 360

IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way-in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Don’t be fooled, that’s about as literary as this blog will ever get. I’m just trying to drive home the title of this item, but let me see if I can relate this to the first sentence of the Dickens... Continue reading »