Parks and Recreation

This is a list of posts tagged with Parks and Recreation.

Telefizzled out

If I were ambitious enough to dive into the archives, I would look and see what the point was in writing these posts for 34+ weeks. I think it was to show attrition in my scheduled viewing, so we’ll go with that and there was definitely some of that, but not as much as I’d hoped for. You see, I know I don’t watch too much telly, but I watch more than I’d like. Anyway, I am thankful for the break this Summer will afford, although Burn Notice starts back up next week.

So, before I try to remember what has come and gone, let me finish off with thoughts on three last episodes I caught this week and last:

How I Met Your Mother: This one finished up last week. It would seem CBS wanted to go longer than everyone else as a lot of their shows did the same. Anyway, no mother and no yellow umbrella, but it does close out with Ted taking the teaching gig and revealing that the mother is in his class, so I guess we are getting some teacher or student macking for this ... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.29

Anyone else want to water board the announcer guy at the start and end of shows on NBC? Anyone?

Chuck: I watched this show sorta in reverse. I got home halfway thru and just watched the rest of it on HD and then went back to see the beginning. It really didn’t seem to matter. The stuff at the Buy More was lame, mainly because they don’t seem to realize that Tony Hale just is not funny in this role. (The ending with Big Mike giving Morgan the fish was good.) As for bringing back Jill (Jordana Brewster) as a means to helping find where Fulcrum is holding Chuck’s dad, well it seemed pointless, but also annoying as this was probably a one-and-done appearance (to pub Fast and Furious?). Again, the ending was good with Sarah going rogue with Chuck. This next episode looks better.

Big Bang Theory: “Anything can happen Thursdays” seem like a good idea for this crew, but for me, I am camped in front of my television. OMG… these nerds have a better life than me. Anyway, Penny going on a date with the comic book store guy was funny, especially... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.28

Do we really need more cop shows on television? Is every hour long show going to become a crime or medical drama? Oh, besides Lost, Dollhouse and Fringe and that… okay is every hour long show going to become a crime, medical or mystery drama? Oh… wait… then there is reality… when did this happen? It has always been like this, hasn’t it… damn. It took a horrible show like The Unusuals to make me realize this.

Chuck: So, Scott Bakula is Chuck’s dad, but also… wait for it… Orion. Can’t say I saw that one coming. I’m pretty sure this is all that happened. Besides, you know, Arnold Vosloo playing another character that seemingly cannot be killed.

Reaper: I fast forwarded thru about half of this one. I feel like this year hasn’t had me like last year did. Sock did seal the deal with his stepsister, so good for him and kinda gross for us? I still can’t make up my mind on how I feel about this thing. I guess it does have me talking about the show, but also fast forwarding thru it too. Also, the Sam a... Continue reading »