
This is a list of posts tagged with Smallville.

Flixd: ten

Don’t be afraid that I started the month off heavy in the chick flick department. I finished strong with lots of the testosterone fueled action flicks. Yeah, it was a weird month in the old queue. I bumped up lots of new releases so I could get them the first day and this was the result. Anyway, it was a decent month without any huge stinkers.

Here come the thoughts and heads with the new format proposed last month. One sentence per head. Let’s see how this works out. Continue reading »

Telefizzled out

If I were ambitious enough to dive into the archives, I would look and see what the point was in writing these posts for 34+ weeks. I think it was to show attrition in my scheduled viewing, so we’ll go with that and there was definitely some of that, but not as much as I’d hoped for. You see, I know I don’t watch too much telly, but I watch more than I’d like. Anyway, I am thankful for the break this Summer will afford, although Burn Notice starts back up next week.

So, before I try to remember what has come and gone, let me finish off with thoughts on three last episodes I caught this week and last:

How I Met Your Mother: This one finished up last week. It would seem CBS wanted to go longer than everyone else as a lot of their shows did the same. Anyway, no mother and no yellow umbrella, but it does close out with Ted taking the teaching gig and revealing that the mother is in his class, so I guess we are getting some teacher or student macking for this ... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.33

Pretty much everything is done now. How I Met Your Mother ends this upcoming week, but that is it. Okay, a couple other CBS shows I kinda watch, Rules of Engagement and Gary Unmarried, also end this upcoming week. Point is, this is the penultimate post in this series. The last one will close out HIMYM and I’ll still write something about My Boys, but hopefully I can write something about the network up-fronts and make plans for next season. Which, yes, does sound wrong.

Big Bang Theory: Other than Penny finishing the thought, or providing the real answer to the question, on the other side of the door, this wasn’t much of a season ender. At least make us think the guys aren’t going to survive their arctic experience or something. Sheesh.

How I Met Your Mother: Okay, so Stella just shows back up to put that possibility to bed. Fine. I’m down with that. But, Ted has been carrying around that damn yellow umbrella and that is annoying. We’ll see if anything pans out this week with that, but I just read in EW that they don’t plan on revea... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.32

Another week in the books and the end of this particular series is coming soon. Thankfully. While I believe this exercise is accomplishing its goal, I’m not gonna lie and say I have been enjoying it every week. It seems lately it has been chore, but that’s probably more because it has been going for so long and not because of the content. Most shows have been very good lately.

Big Bang Theory: Poop is funny. Space poop is very funny. You see, any spin on poop jokes is bound to make them better, so a potentially faulty space toilet gathers the lads together for an all-nighter to save Wolowitz’s bacon. Meanwhile Penny has another date with the comic book store guy and we find that she says Leonard’s name during some car snogging. So, I guess we are gonna go out next week the same as last year.

How I Met Your Mother: The yellow umbrella, which we know is linked to the mother somehow, makes another appearance. By the end, Stella (Sarah Chalke) makes another appearance. I’d be cool with her being the mother, but methinks she might be the one ... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.31

Shows are starting to wrap up and I am wrapping up shows. Reaper and Parks and Recreation were officially removed from my Media Center record series list. I skipped both again this week. RIP.

No Scrubs or Ted this week because of yet another Obama presser. Do something instead of talking about it. Did I just say that? I did vote for the guy and I think he has already had more pressers than little Bush. (We know why.)

Chuck: Well, if this was the end of this series, it went out well. That said, I hope this isn’t the end of this series. Things broke down pretty much like I thought last week. The wrinkle was Bryce really getting killed this time (we think). Didn’t really see that coming. Awesome and Ellie get hitched. Morgan goes off to Hawaii with Anna, hopefully to never be seen again. Sarah chooses Chuck over the CIA. Chuck gains the power of Kung-Fu. Good finale.

Big Bang Theory: Vegas Baby! Vegas! That was about all the excitement for those guys. The real story was Sheldon and Penny hanging out after Sheldon locks himself out of his apartment with Leo... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.30

I think this is the second week we’ve had with a hiatus on Lost in favor of some *special* and that really ruins the week for me. I look forward to Lost every week because it is smack dab in the middle and it is always there. Except when it’s not. That’s not to say I don’t understand why this happens. ABC wants the season to end on a specific week for ratings purposes and they need to keep their casual viewers up to speed. You know, those that don’t read The Ed Zone.

Semi-rant over. Back to regularly scheduled content.

No wait, I have another rant to get out of the way as it pertains to my first show of the week. That genius running WHDH makes another blunder — just in my book, but not as big as the Leno thing — by running over the start of a network show and then joining it in progress. Now, I don’t know if other stations did the same “Breaking News” coverage of the arrest of the alleged Craigslist idiot, but this channel did and it ran over the s... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.27

I’m not gonna lie… it felt weird to not have a new Office or 30 Rock this week. I feel like my Facebook status was sad because it couldn’t be filled with a good line last Thursday night. Looks like NBC will make up for it by giving us two episodes of The Office this week so they can make a nice Parks and Recreation sandwich.

Chuck: I forgot to applaud the Brian K. Vaughan shoutout in last week’s epsiode. Chuck was using an issue or trade of Ex Machina to hide his reading of the Intersect plans provided by Orion. This week he was at it again, but there was also a Y: The Last Man poster on the wall behind him. Oh, and then also a Camel (Programming Perl) book. Um… oh, so all that nerdery aside, Tricia Helfer appears as an agent trying to give Sarah the boot. She was pretty good I guess, but in the end, Sarah and Chuck prove they are better off together than apart. This next one should be good with Chevy Chase and Scott Bakula.

Big Bang Theory: Another building hotty moves in upstairs from the boys and Penny feels the pain. It was actually nice to... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.26

Tracy thru Kenneth's eyes

No Big Bang this week and I still don’t get what’s up with that. CBS showed the new How I Met Your Mother in that spot and followed it with a HIMYM repeat. Why? It wasn’t a special episode or anything. Stupid Sweeps! Of course now that they are over we’ll get some repeats sprinkled into April before the big May finish. We are also getting some new shows like Parks & Recreation (next week?) and returning shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and My Boys (both starting this week).

In fact, My Boys is the funniest show you aren’t watching. I pimp it every year it starts back up and you don’t listen. Tuesday at 10.30. Check it out. Seriously.

Okay, on with this past week of telly:

Chuck: That was fast. Orion finds Chuck instead of the other way around and then ends up dead by the end of the episode? He took himself out in a cool way, but still. I guess he did leave Chuck with some help and that’s enough to keep it go... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.25

Classy Jim on The Office

Scrubs and Lost are back but Chuck was lost. I think next week there is no new Big Bang Theory. What’s up with not having new shows every week during sweeps? I don’t understand. Also, that Better Off Ted show with the cushy spot between Scrubs and Lost started this week. It looks like I will watch it by default.

Big Bang Theory: The nerd herd makes barrettes for Penny’s new business adventure. Oh, and apparently a terrible web site. They should have maybe contracted out to me, but then, I don’t do contract work. Anyway, the episode was kinda blah until Sheldon closed it out zooming around in his Flash uniform. That scored back many points. Zoom zoom zoom!

How I Met Your Mother: I have to agree with Jason here, I am glad that Laura Prepon is already goners. Could they have made her more annoying? I know that was the point, but I real... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.24

Tracy Jordan on St. Patricks Day in 30 Rock

I am writing this one up before the week is over but I plan on watching Tracy Morgan host SNL tonight. I haven’t watched one in years(!), but he’s been such a laugh on 30 Rock I can’t help but not check it out. Especially after I didn’t watch when Alec Baldwin hosted a few weeks ago. Have you seen the Wii sketch from that one? You should. I also might check out Kings if I have nothing doing on Sunday night. They posted a bunch of positive buzzy quotes during commercials and Entertainment Weekly suggests it is worth checking out. I don’t know though, I don’t really want to watch MORE shows. I really need to watch less!

That said, I did miss watching Lost in the middle of my week. That’s been something to look forward to at the start of each week. Well, here’s what I did get to watch:

Chuck: The super spy Brit doesn’t get Sarah. Phew. Chuck and Sarah individually reaffirm feelin... Continue reading »