
This is a list of posts tagged with Wii.

Three four zero two four

That is my year-end Gamerscore for 2009. I thought I’d be able to add on at least 10k like past years, but not as many games seemed to drop or something. Either that or achievements are becoming more ridiculous or multiplayer driven. I also went about four months of the year without playing pretty much anything, so that’s a part and maybe two PS3 games I played.

Gamerscore on 1.1.10

Either way, an increase of 6570 isn’t anything to sneeze at either I guess. Hopefully I can do at least 10k in 2010. You know… it being ’10 and all.

Gamerscore on 1.1.10

As for my friend Mistah Plow, he was able to continue to pull away from me and scored an increase of 11775 for the year with his game reviews, but also with having another 360 go kaput on him. I wonder if he can keep up that pace now that he owns a PS3 in addition to a Wii. Wii shall see…

Fourteen K

Well, I had to do some marathon gaming over my vacation, but I just got over my goal of 14k for the end of the year. Of course, trying to do so while playing Mass Effect will cause you to spend a lot of time getting points, but at least it is fun. I had to bust out Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga today to get 80 points to put me over the edge.

Gamerscore on 12.31.07

Anyway, both Ed and I busted over the 14k mark for the year, which was about an 11k (or so) increase for the year — probably really 10 months — and that is pretty awesome. Actually, I did it in less than that given I was sans 360 for about two more months due to being red ringed.

So, Ed’s goal is 20k by the end of 2008, which is very doable given what we did this year. I’m setting mine at 24k, which is a bit more aggressive, but then, I don’t have a Wii (or a life for that matter) to take away any time from gaming.

Remove your hard drive

But what if that is the broken bit?

I got a follow-up e-mail from the Microsofties today. The packaging to service my Xbox has been shipped (which is a little funny when you think about it). They are sending me a box to box and send the 360 back to them. Ed commented on the way Nintendo is handling their hardware failures and I totally agree with him; they are doing it the right way.

Microsoft should send me a loaner console so I can continue gaming while they fix mine. I’m even losing money on the deal because I can’t use my Xbox Live subscription without a console. I read some posts in a message board that some people are being credited an extra month for longer repairs, but it wouldn’t be an issue if I had a loaner, right?

Now, here’s the kicker: “Once we have received your Xbox console at our Service Center. Your Xbox console will be serviced and you should receive it within 4-6 weeks.” Never mind the poor... Continue reading »

Wii be raging

It is a good thing Ed has the Wii downstairs and the spensive new HD set upstairs. A videogame raging 3 year-old trashes his Dad’s plasma after a bad go at Wii Sports.

The photo at the link is priceless… the TV? Not so much.

Ignoring it is bliss

Oh little blog, how I have ignored you these past couple weeks… and boy has it been great. Not feeling pressured to write a damn thing to bore the masses with endless drivel, just like this post.

Are you bored yet?

Don’t worry, you’ll get there. I already am, but reflect on the fact that blogging is now 10 years old. Consider how many boring blog posts have been posted over that time! See my latest aside for more.

Of course, there are numerous reasons I haven’t blogged lately, the first being the continued drama of being a fantasy baseball league commissioner, especially when said league includes a Mookie. I have spent many a late night over the past week tending to my little baseball league that barely can. However, light is at the end of the tunnel now, so time is freed up to blog a bit.

So, continuing to riff on the baseball, and real quick mind you as many of you care less, I just want to point out a couple things. One,... Continue reading »

Mii in real 3D

An interesting item in the Engadget feed today is about some clever artist making a friend’s Mii a reality. Can’t you just see Ed ordering up his family and putting them on the mantle???

Wii 4 Mii 2

Wii nunchuka controller

After reading an e-mail from Ed last week on his decision to trade in his 360 and purchase Nintendo’s forthcoming Wii — pronounced “We” — system, I wanted to liken it to trading in your manhood for another kick at boyhood.

Which is actually not a bad first impression. When you think about it, what’s wrong with that? Who doesn’t want to relive portions of their childhood in some way or fashion these days as we push ever closer to 40 (it’s the new 30 don’t you know)?

I then gave it further thought (about 10 seconds) and decided I definitely had no issue with the decision. He made a careful, well thought out case in the e-mail and has posted something similar over on The Ed Zone. Of course, I... Continue reading »