Splinter Cell

This is a list of posts tagged with Splinter Cell.

Year in consumables: 2010 games

Halo: Reach cover artAnd you, future OB1, went crazy as past OB1, writing lists on this day.

Unfortunately, there is no summer 2010 post to fall back on for a games post, so this is straight thoughtworks. Why couldn’t past, past OB1 have written a half year post on games instead of wasting his time on movies. That would have been more useful right now since past OB1 didn’t want to write about movies anymore. (Because they mostly all suck.)

Good thing your Xbox Live achievements will help guide you in making out this list, although you maybe played a PS3 game or two. Maybe. We’ll have to see, but doubtful it would make a ranking list. Continue reading »

Year in consumables: 2006 games

Gears of War boxPromises, promises…

You know, I said I’d have this posted by March first, but things got out of hand at work this week due to Daylight Savings Time. You know about that, right? Well, work got in the way of proper sleep, television viewing — ‘cept Lost and Heroes — and blogging.

So, I won’t bore you with the details of that, but instead bore you with the third and final installment of my 2006 Year in Consumables series. You can read the music and movie posts in the archives.

By my count, I have rocked se7en games on the 360 this year. Okay, it was really ten, but demos of Contra and the... Continue reading »

Falling Away With You

Casino Royale teaster posterWouldn’t you say it is rather ironic that while I was writing my Summer wrap-ups last week it was feeling like Autumn and as I write my Autumn preview this week it has felt like Summer? I guess that’s how we roll here in New England.

Has the wacky weather been a contributing factor in the huge downturn in readers over the past few weeks here at OB1og as well? Certainly can’t be because I haven’t been posting like Ed or Jason. Of course, Ed isn’t posting for a good reason and then there is Jason not posting for a secret... Continue reading »

Wii 4 Mii 2

Wii nunchuka controller

After reading an e-mail from Ed last week on his decision to trade in his 360 and purchase Nintendo’s forthcoming Wii — pronounced “We” — system, I wanted to liken it to trading in your manhood for another kick at boyhood.

Which is actually not a bad first impression. When you think about it, what’s wrong with that? Who doesn’t want to relive portions of their childhood in some way or fashion these days as we push ever closer to 40 (it’s the new 30 don’t you know)?

I then gave it further thought (about 10 seconds) and decided I definitely had no issue with the decision. He made a careful, well thought out case in the e-mail and has posted something similar over on The Ed Zone. Of course, I... Continue reading »

Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 2 boxSo, now that I am caught up with my movie *reviews* I can catch up on my Xbox 360 game *reviews.* Again, these aren’t reviews in the usual sense of the thing, they are just my observations or thoughts on the game. I guess you can still argue that makes for a review, but whatever.

You may remember that getting my Xbox 360 setup and running normally was a chore. It still isn’t quite right, but I can play games and Call of Duty 2 (CoD2) was the first one I finished. I played thru the campaign on the Hard (or Hardened) setting, which is the 3rd highest or just below Veteran (I did not play on Xbox Live at all). I did this on the advice of Ed who started his campaign on Veteran but found it impossible to finish t... Continue reading »

Mission:Impossible III

not a M:i:3 poster

A few things come to mind as I start to write this one:

  1. I am going backwards with my reviews, but I figured for completeness sake, I’d do it that way since the other one I am going to write about is V for Vendetta.
  2. Ed is starting to get me in the habit of posting pictures with my posts. I hate the two posters out there because one has too much Tom Cruise and the other has his name too big, plus it’s just a wee bit ugly. However, I decided I needed a picture! Found this one that someone did up as a wallpaper. Works better.
  3. I need to come up with some kind of format for my reviews, observations, thoughts or whatever I want to call them. Maybe I ought to tell you how I felt about it right up front and then get to the meat because I am always going to have spoilers. I’m not here to write up some fancy review that is going to dance around plot details in an effort to tell you what I think without telling you exact... Continue reading »