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Flixd: twelve

This post combines watching for November and December and I only watched five movies during that time. Well, it was really six, but one was Star Trek which I took in at the theater over the summer. I didn’t write anything about in-theater movies yet, but just so you know, I’d rate this one with five heads.

The format remains the same, which is the new format from last time, just a sentence per head. Continue reading »

Flixd: ten

Don’t be afraid that I started the month off heavy in the chick flick department. I finished strong with lots of the testosterone fueled action flicks. Yeah, it was a weird month in the old queue. I bumped up lots of new releases so I could get them the first day and this was the result. Anyway, it was a decent month without any huge stinkers.

Here come the thoughts and heads with the new format proposed last month. One sentence per head. Let’s see how this works out. Continue reading »

Flixd: nine

Lots of new releases in the list this month. I lined up Monday returns to score new releases for Tuesday. There are still some older flicks in here too as I am still in the middle of that. Those are almost all gone now though. I expect that I’ll be thru with that by November.

Thoughts and heads only. Oh, and I have an idea on linking the two for next time. What if I write one sentence per head? That could be an interesting exercise as I was a bit too wordy this month. Not overly wordy I don’t think though. You tell me. Continue reading »

Flixd: eight

There is no seven. Not so lucky now, are you July? For the most part, July saw the consumption of video games during my free time and no so much with any television or movies. Okay, maybe a few Sox games, but that’s about it. August swung back pretty much the other way. A whole lot of movies and not much gaming. Most of the movies are also old, which means they’ve been slowly bubbling up the queue and I just went with it. September has been about the same, but I will promise you now there are way more recent movies. Let’s get this late August post out there first, shall we?

As usual, thoughts and heads. This is a long list, so less thought and more heads. I don’t know what that means. Continue reading »

Flixd: six

I think I dropped a reference a couple posts ago that my watching in June wasn’t going to really interest anyone. That is probably false. It will interest exactly two of you. Maybe.

That said, let me state up front that if you have no interest in comic books or science fiction or animation in general, you can just skip this one and wait for my next Flixd post. That one will drop in early September and feature the regular flicks and chick flicks you have come to expect in this space.

As always, just thoughts and heads. Read on nerds.
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Flixd: five

This post is co-sponsored by the letters “M” and “S” (or should that be “S&M”)? Apparently I was subconsciously only watching movies that started with those two letters last month. There is also a secondary sponsorship by Danny Boyle since I watched three of his flicks, which accounted for half of my intake this month. That’s down to six compared to the let’s-call-it-a-dozen from the previous post.

You’d think that now that the “regular” television season is over that the Netflix viewing would increase, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Part of that had to do with what I was left with sitting at home towards the end of the month, which is to say nothing compelling me to fire up the PS3.

In fact, the PS3 is the other reason (along with its Xbox 360 cousin). Over the Memorial Day weekend I decided to finally... Continue reading »

Flixd: four

I am happy that this month swung more back to the mindless entertainment category and away from the chick flicks of last month. There’s really only one here at the end, but two seasons of The Hills kinda makes up a lot of hours, so… yeah…

Same rules apply as the others in the series. These are not reviews, just thoughts and heads.

Hancock I actually watched this in March — probably would have helped offset another chick flick — but forgot to put it in that one because I went off my Netflix list and I borrowed the Blu-ray off my boss. Nothing but a Will Smith popcorn flick and that wasn’t surprising because by all accounts that was the billing when it released, but I expect more from a Peter Berg helmed pic. Continue reading »

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Flixd: three

Last month I threw out there that I had already watched a bunch of chick flicks for this month. It was only five days in too. Well, the trend continued and no, I am not copping to all the ones I watched, but I will cop to all the d!ck flicks — thanks for that term Ed — that I watched to try and balance things out. If anyone wants to try and formulate a theory for why I like chick flicks so much, feel free, but be forewarned that any comments to the effect of me being gay will be ignored. (Even though you might be correct.)

Remember the rules here; a few thoughts and a rating. Nothing more.

Eagle Eye As I mentioned in the comments of Ed’s post about this movie, I too had a line about WOPR planned for this one but he beat me to the punch. You should watch this movie and then maybe read my comments about it t... Continue reading »

Flixd: two

Not a lot to do as an intro here because I just posted a good one earlier this week. You should check that out if you missed it.

Okay, you are either back or just interested in this post, so here are the flicks I watched in February:

Zack and Miri Make a Porno
I thought I heard this movie didn’t have a lot of nudity in it, but I guess that was just from the leads because there was a lot of it and even more over-the-top vulgar humor than you might expect from Kevin Smith. Elizabeth Banks, Seth Rogan and Craig Robinson were all great though. Just watch out for full frontal Jason Mewes at the end of the movie; I didn’t need to see that. Continue reading »

Flixd: one

I think I have dropped notice here or there that I planned on doing something with all this movie watching activity. Well, this is it and I am going to keep it super simple. The name of the flick, a rating and a sentence or three about it. That’s it. No review, but maybe a recommendation. The rating should handle that, no?

So, I figure I will do this monthly or maybe every two months depending on how many movies I get thru at a time. Television is coming back off repeats so I expect the March activity to slow down a bit, plus I may actually start playing a video game again once and a while. I have enough now to do two for the first two months of this year.

As a bonus though, I am throwing in some of the movies I streamed with Netflix to the Xbox 360. This ability was released in November and it is pretty much going to be the future once the streaming HD gets better. Oh, and the amount of selections in the... Continue reading »