Adult Swim

This is a list of posts tagged with Adult Swim.

Flixd: twelve

This post combines watching for November and December and I only watched five movies during that time. Well, it was really six, but one was Star Trek which I took in at the theater over the summer. I didn’t write anything about in-theater movies yet, but just so you know, I’d rate this one with five heads.

The format remains the same, which is the new format from last time, just a sentence per head. Continue reading »

Flixd: six

I think I dropped a reference a couple posts ago that my watching in June wasn’t going to really interest anyone. That is probably false. It will interest exactly two of you. Maybe.

That said, let me state up front that if you have no interest in comic books or science fiction or animation in general, you can just skip this one and wait for my next Flixd post. That one will drop in early September and feature the regular flicks and chick flicks you have come to expect in this space.

As always, just thoughts and heads. Read on nerds.
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Flixd: four

I am happy that this month swung more back to the mindless entertainment category and away from the chick flicks of last month. There’s really only one here at the end, but two seasons of The Hills kinda makes up a lot of hours, so… yeah…

Same rules apply as the others in the series. These are not reviews, just thoughts and heads.

I actually watched this in March — probably would have helped offset another chick flick — but forgot to put it in that one because I went off my Netflix list and I borrowed the Blu-ray off my boss. Nothing but a Will Smith popcorn flick and that wasn’t surprising because by all accounts that was the billing when it released, but I expect more from a Peter Berg helmed pic. Continue reading »

Carl on sports

Ever wanted to talk sports with Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Well… you can’t. But some dudes at The Sporting News can and they have clips on their blog. I am going to go check out his Week 2 NFL picks right now…

Ill communication

I just listened to Ill Communication on my way home from work tonight. I left at 9.00p. I realized that it would be a great title for a blog post, so…

I was at work for the second night in a row until 9p, so that’s ill. I have gone just over a month without posting, so that’s ill. If I went a calendar month without a post, that would be ill… therefore, here’s your fluff piece to put a stop to that.

Seriously though, I intimated in the last real post that I’d fill in blanks later, so I guess this is it. I think that blogging during the summer can be a bit tough when you don’t have some regular topic to shout about. I definitely have never had that, so it is here and there. Well, weekends are straight out because the last thing I want is to be in front of a keyboard on a weekend. Weeknights have also been straight out because I have been getting home late most nights and since those are due to work, I have had enough of the keyboard for a day. When not, I want to spend it on the couch in front of the 360 for a game or catch up on su... Continue reading »

Another bloganniversary

OB1og +2

It doesn’t seem like I have been doing this for two years, but yeah, there it is. Today marks the start of my third year of blogging in the tubes. I guess, maybe I am clogging the tubes. Never mind.

I felt I needed to put something out here to mark the occasion, only, this isn’t it.

What what what?

Yeah, this isn’t it. I meant to have a bright new design up here today, but work and sleep conspired against me and I just couldn’t finish it enough to put out here. I have a good amount of the shiny bits done, but I am way behind on the new bits. The new bits are going to have to be rolled out over time, so no worries.

I guess, what I want to avoid is what happened with this space last year in that I started on a live redesign and didn’t keep on doing it. Sure, I made little changes here and there, but overall,... Continue reading »

ATHF: Fruits


So, I think it just takes the Dave and Matt a handful of episodes to hit their stride because they have been on a roll. Born Again drug addict fruit. Shake flipping us off at least twice (in the background). Carl with a tie. Yup, it is all there for the taking…


As in Dingo. Frisky Dingo.

It means nothing to do with the show. Which is funny, right? Yes.

I was gonna steal “Frisky Business” from this week’s Entertainment Weekly sidelight… um, blurb(?)… well whatever, it is under “Critic’s Corner” in the DVD section and written by Ken Tucker (I’m assuming that’s who KT is… which the on-line version confirms). Phew… but I didn’t.

Anyway, this is validation, no? I love that he gives Dingo a straight “A” and with this to back me up, I will again beg you to watch this show! Eleven minutes people! That’s it. These are quick things. Program your DVR to record them and enjoy at your leasure. Continue reading »

ATHF: The Marines


I don’t get why Shake is still doing awful things to kittehs, but me likey this ep nonetheless. Would have been funny to see them also enlist Carl, but whatevs.

ATHF: Dummy Love

A guest appearance by Ezekiel!

Okay, so it was only in a photo on the shelf where Shake placed the Dummy, next to his collectible plates from Maine and The Wizard of Oz. Didn’t see what he knocked off in favor of the dummy. I think Josh Homme (of Queen’s of the Stone Age) did this dummy’s voice. His name was in the credits, so he for that one and T-Pain (who?) as the other dummy delivered to Carl.

So, were those Carl’s fingers that the white one had? If so, then how’d he get them from the black one. And, then, wouldn’t they have fallen in love then? Yeah, that’s two male dummies bumping in Frylock’s bed. What?

I rate this one a good one. So that’s +2.