The Dark Knight

This is a list of posts tagged with The Dark Knight.

Year in consumables: 2008 movies

WALL-E posterI am still ahead of the curve from last year, so I don’t feel too badly about delaying this post a couple weeks from when I thought I’d get it out. It was my intention to watch a handful more movies released in 2008 to see if they’d make my top five for the year. I watched them, but they won’t make the list.

Also, I realized that I should do this list like I do the others, movies that I consumed during that year and not necessarily released. I’m still not sure about that as a criteria or not because as I Netflix stuff it can be pretty old — if you count 2-3 years ago as old — and may seem out of place. That said, I am going to start doing something like Ed’s Netflix Notes starting this year. That can cover anything I don’t... Continue reading »

Ill communication

I just listened to Ill Communication on my way home from work tonight. I left at 9.00p. I realized that it would be a great title for a blog post, so…

I was at work for the second night in a row until 9p, so that’s ill. I have gone just over a month without posting, so that’s ill. If I went a calendar month without a post, that would be ill… therefore, here’s your fluff piece to put a stop to that.

Seriously though, I intimated in the last real post that I’d fill in blanks later, so I guess this is it. I think that blogging during the summer can be a bit tough when you don’t have some regular topic to shout about. I definitely have never had that, so it is here and there. Well, weekends are straight out because the last thing I want is to be in front of a keyboard on a weekend. Weeknights have also been straight out because I have been getting home late most nights and since those are due to work, I have had enough of the keyboard for a day. When not, I want to spend it on the couch in front of the 360 for a game or catch up on su... Continue reading »