Poe Ghostal
This is a list of posts tagged with Poe Ghostal.
Violence, sex, superheroes and a tricky d!ck. I knew to expect all of those things going into this film based on the epic mini-series turned graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. I knew that director Zack Snyder was going to play it very faithful to the original work except for a change to the ending.
I knew all of this going in, but I still left the theater blown away.
Before I continue further, I am not really concerned about spoilers, but I won’t give away any twists either. I will talk about the end, but in fairly general terms. Just beware I guess.
Now, I haven’t read — but should read — Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300 upon which Zack Snyder’s previous film of the same name — duh, you probably heard of it — was based. I had heard that that film was also faithful, almost to a fault. (Or was that Sin... Continue reading »
Shiny bits
At long last, here are the shiny bits.
I know, it is plain, but not as plain as what came before it, right?
Well, this is pretty much all the shine that is going to be around here. I’m going to move on to some feature bits. In fact, the reason getting the shiny bits out here took a little longer was due to taking a feature bit out as I didn’t feel it was quite ready yet. (Oh, and working a lot.)
Anyway, I won’t be working quite as crazily as I have been lately, so now I’ll feel up to coding a bit when I get home at a reasonable hour. Oh, and that means I can catch up on telly too. And Xbox. And comics (really!). And blogging.
You’ve heard this before. I know.
You don’t believe me. I know.
I can tell this because many have stopped dropping by as of late. I don’t blame you. Why would stop by if I’m not, right? Conti... Continue reading »
Spambino ale
I prefer my April Fool’s jokes to be something that actually fools people, or rather, me, but that can be pretty hard when you read everything on the day with a grain of salt. That said, some are better than others in trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Anyway, I wasn’t going to follow up my previous aside with anything when I wrote it, but after a night of drinking tonight, I feel the need. So, let me start with what I culled from the internets today, and believe me, I wasn’t looking real hard, or really, at all…
- Google has a joint venture with Virgin to colonize Mars in an open source way named Virgle
- Gmail has a cool new feature to send e-mail back in time called Custom Time
- Closer to home, Poe Ghostal had a less obvious gag — I liked it even if he... Continue reading »
A toy story
I have been a little behind on posting a link to this, but I was happy to do a “5 Questions with…” over on Poe Ghostal’s Points of Articulation.
That’s because I was helping him sell out by putting up ads within that snappy-ish blog I helped him build. It’s now an “ish” because it has been compromised by ads. I kid of course, but when you get over there, click some to make the guy some extra bones for his wedding.
It was fun to both build the site and do the interview, although it took a long time to answer. Brought back some good memories (outside of the petty theft). 🙂
Update: I should have added that Ed has his own “5 Questions with…” over on PGPoA too. He has now done a write up of his own on The Ed Zone which incorporates some thoughts on the topic and site as well as the text of the interview.
It is only fitting that I finally write this post the week of the expected decimation of the New York J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets! Oh yeah… you know that’s going to happen (short of Tom Brady getting hit by the short bus).
So, the name of this post is Lensgate and I’m guessing you might wonder why. (Hey Ed, at least I procrastinated so long it is now “topical” again.) It does have something to do with the first Pat’s game against the Jets, but that was Videogate or Spygate or whatevergate. I actually hate that we name every conspiracy since Watergate — Contragate being the first I can remember — with a “gate” at the end. I just think it is media silliness… which is an oxymoron. Continuing on… naming this with a “gate” on the end of the title lends itself well to the preposterousness that is this story… and I am getting there, believe me.
So, I attended the Pat’s home opener against the San Diego Chargers. Of course, this was the game after the Jets game and everyone was excited... Continue reading »
Beta beta beta
Remember that robot on Buck Rogers? I don’t think it ever said anything else or my brain remembers nothing other than that — which is true of the entire show really — and yes, it wasn’t quite “beta” but more likely “bitta.”
Don’t worry, this post isn’t about that robot or betta fish or math or physics or fraternities or the Greek alphabet. It is about the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta test. The one I mentioned a bit in my Crackalackin post.
For the uninitiated — I’m willing to bet you didn’t get this far — “beta” is a term attached to software that isn’t quite finished and tested, but needs some wider end-user abuse and use. It comes after an “alpha” test, which is usually a really rough build that the developers muck around with. Google and Yahoo users may be familiar with the term as all their products seem to be forever in beta while everyone is using them.Continue reading »