Xbox 360

This is a list of posts tagged with Xbox 360.


This should have really happened long ago when Ed was without Xbox 360 for many months, but tonight I caught his Gamerscore by finishing off Pac-Man Championship Edition for 50 points after the two of us started in on Cloning Clyde. These are both Xbox Live Arcade games and we are now rocking them since there ain’t a lot going on in full-game-title-land these days.

At least we can play Clyde via co-op instead of him just listening to me curse up a storm while playing PMCE while he rocked it old shewel in DOOM. I’m pretty sure no game has ever made me curse as much as PMCE did. The game was a very cool spin-off of the original, complete with a trippin techno themed soundtrack, but sometimes it was frustrating as all get out.

Of course, with Ed headed out of town for a week of vacation, I’m going to pull ahead for awhile, but I am sure he’ll hunker down to get back on top once he is back. There’s always the King Kong or NBA 2k6 rental for an easy grand in points.

Gamerscore on 6.23.2007

Gamerscore on 6.23.2007

Dark side OB1

Just like Evil plow, look what my Xbox Live Gamerscore ended at last night after some good Premium Downloadable Content Crackalackin…

Gamerscore on 6.9.2007

Another little gaming oddity from last night was I played the original GRAW — I am trying to get the Achievements for playing thru a second time on Hard — and noticed that the date of the mission was 6.8.2007. Any chance a revolution started in Mexico yesterday?

Beta beta beta

Remember that robot on Buck Rogers? I don’t think it ever said anything else or my brain remembers nothing other than that — which is true of the entire show really — and yes, it wasn’t quite “beta” but more likely “bitta.”

Don’t worry, this post isn’t about that robot or betta fish or math or physics or fraternities or the Greek alphabet. It is about the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta test. The one I mentioned a bit in my Crackalackin post.

For the uninitiated — I’m willing to bet you didn’t get this far — “beta” is a term attached to software that isn’t quite finished and tested, but needs some wider end-user abuse and use. It comes after an “alpha” test, which is usually a really rough build that the developers muck around with. Google and Yahoo users may be familiar with the term as all their products seem to be forever in beta while everyone is using them.Continue reading »

Evil plow

Look what Ed‘s Xbox Live Gamerscore ended at last night after some good Crackalackin…

Gamerscore on 5.26.2007


You know, I finish building a Biggerboat and think I can spend some time on my blog for a while, but then a game like Crackdown gets my dollars and that idea goes straight out the window. I swear, I can’t really multi-task at home anymore, work has sucked all that out of me.

At most, I get to do two things when I get home during the week: eat (always) and watch TV or play Xbox 360. Weekends are a little different, but again, I have a hard time doing more than a couple things on a given weekend day lately. I don’t really know why other than think it has something to do with addiction. I feel like I get on little stretches of being addicted to a certain activity and that causes me to neglect all kinds of other things. This is no way for an adult to live… I think.

I suppose that’s a larger subject than what this post is all about, and it is all about Crackdown.

I have had the game for a little under a week and I am totally addicted.... Continue reading »

Ignoring it is bliss

Oh little blog, how I have ignored you these past couple weeks… and boy has it been great. Not feeling pressured to write a damn thing to bore the masses with endless drivel, just like this post.

Are you bored yet?

Don’t worry, you’ll get there. I already am, but reflect on the fact that blogging is now 10 years old. Consider how many boring blog posts have been posted over that time! See my latest aside for more.

Of course, there are numerous reasons I haven’t blogged lately, the first being the continued drama of being a fantasy baseball league commissioner, especially when said league includes a Mookie. I have spent many a late night over the past week tending to my little baseball league that barely can. However, light is at the end of the tunnel now, so time is freed up to blog a bit.

So, continuing to riff on the baseball, and real quick mind you as many of you care less, I just want to point out a couple things. One,... Continue reading »

Year in consumables: 2006 games

Gears of War boxPromises, promises…

You know, I said I’d have this posted by March first, but things got out of hand at work this week due to Daylight Savings Time. You know about that, right? Well, work got in the way of proper sleep, television viewing — ‘cept Lost and Heroes — and blogging.

So, I won’t bore you with the details of that, but instead bore you with the third and final installment of my 2006 Year in Consumables series. You can read the music and movie posts in the archives.

By my count, I have rocked se7en games on the 360 this year. Okay, it was really ten, but demos of Contra and the... Continue reading »

Mooninite mayhem

JPo spawned a little discussion over the upcoming ATHF movie and it reminded me that I had some other ATHF related stuff to post, but since I don’t seem to like blogging at the moment, I haven’t gotten around to doing…

Okay, it is more like the holidays and my rediscovery of my Xbox 360 over the holidays, but whatever. Maybe more on that later.

As JPo points out, there is a movie coming out in March and as Ed points out, it might be a stinker. There is a clip on the [adultswim] site to check out.

You can also check out the Mooninite Soundboard for some good Mooninite audio. I think some of this stuff is for the soundboard only as I definitely do not remember all these quotes/sayings from the episodes.

If you want to kill some time... Continue reading »

Xbox 360 in 1080p

Xbox 360

Paul Thurrott has an item on WinInfo about Microsoft releasing the HD DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 for only $170 this Fall. What is more interesting to me is that a 360 firmware update will boost the max resolution of the 360 from 1080i to 1080p. This is news, and as Paul says, the last big differentiator between PS3 and the 360.

Is Sony further doomed? Not in the least. The Sony zealots will still shell out gobs of cake for a PS3, but Microsoft just made their argument even more compelling. I’m just a little happier in that this will help justify buying a 1080p HD set when I get a big one soonish. Even though television programming won’t be broadcast at that level for years to come, at least there could be some earlier benefit in the greater cost over the 720p sets. As it stands now, it’s about an $800 difference for the size set I am looking at. I bet the earliest we see a 1080p game is late 2007 though.

Summer Shudder

Nantucket Sound Sunset Well, the title of this post should have been the title of the previous post, but I just wasn’t paying close enough attention. A lot of the time I try to come up with clever titles that play on words and stuff like that and I am sure I am not in the minority there. Look no further than Ed as he consistently comes up with great title posts. Then you have Jason, who usually has me running straight for

However, when I’m not feeling clever, I try to find a song title that fits my posting topic in some way. Well, I got stuck on Consumed Summer because I was going to write about stuff... Continue reading »